![]() By Greg Walters No more ‘blue screen of death’, software bloat, or non-intuitive interaction. A simple prediction. The last layer between end users and getting things done through computerization is the Operating System. You may know it as DOS, Windows, IoS, Unix, Xenix, Android, etc. We interface with one every, single day, it manages our wishes and adheres to universal standards. This will change. Ai is the new mediator. With Ai, the operating system layer vanishes. No more iOS, Linux, or Windows, and no more worrying about compatibility or versions. Ai's fills the gap directly, connecting us to the core of computing without the traditional overhead. Imagine this: Instead of navigating through an OS, your personal Ai agent — let's call it a 'Digital Facilitator' — takes your request and immediately engages with Ai-optimized hardware to fulfill it. This could be Nvidia's latest Ai-driven processors, designed specifically for such tasks. You're now interacting with your digital environment in a more and intuitive way. Your request for a financial report is met not with software loading screens, but with an instantaneous result, processed in real time. Instead of booting up an operating system like Windows or macOS, you could simply express a need — "organize my photos," "summarize the latest research in my field," or "book a trip to Tokyo considering my preferences." The Ai would then spring into action, using its deep learning algorithms to execute these tasks across various platforms and devices, without you ever having to worry about the underlying system or software compatibility. Your Ai sits between you and the machine, interpreting needs and delivering outcomes with minimal input, simplifying the tech experience to just the results you need. Deliverables, not process. In this paradigm, Google, Meta, and OpenAi converge and fade. Not in brand or platform, but in function. The Ai agents they develop will all aim to simplify, to remove steps between thought and outcome. The 'Digital Facilitator' doesn't care about the brand; it's purpose-built to serve your needs directly. So, what does this mean ? A world where Ai is the operating system, heralds in a profound shift in our daily lives:
According to David Luan, Adept AI, the core vision behind Adept has always been to develop an Ai agent that goes beyond simple tasks. "From day one, NorthStar's guiding principle... has been the belief that, in the long term, the most valuable creation for work is an Ai agent capable of managing a broad spectrum of work tasks and workflows" (paraphrased). The 'World Without Windows' is not on the horizon, it is here now. We're in a time where our interactions with technology are intuitive, immediate, and devoid of the barriers that operating systems once posed. A seamless experience where Ai integrates fully into the task at hand, making 'work' a concept of effortless action.
When we look back through history, our trajectory is predestined. The quest for a seamless interface with our tools began with the wheel's invention, sparked further with the discovery of fire, and evolved as we developed language and gazed at the stars, crafting our first narratives. Each step, from primal innovations to the pixels on a screen, has been a step towards this moment. It's a journey of convergence, from the tangible wheel to the intangible algorithms, all leading the here and now where technology is as immediate and natural as the stories we tell.
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AuthorsGreg Walters Archives
December 2024